
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thank You Lord for Ryanne Zyana!

When we got married in May 2015, my husband and I have talked about having children as soon as we can. We were both in our 30’s and we thought that it was the right time for us to fulfill our dream to have our own family. We knew that having a baby is not in our own hands. It is God’s will and blessing that we will have the gift of family.

I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) for years. My monthly period was regular though but the cysts in my ovaries would not completely go away. I was also overweight. My OB-Gyne said that losing weight would help me to conceive. I heed her advice but the struggle was real. I experienced the Yo-yo effect but with determination and hard work, I eventually lost weight.

My husband and I also prayed a lot for it. We visited Padre Pio Shrine in Batangas and said novena to him. We did pilgrimage to the 5 churches of mercy. We prayed the rosary almost every night. We went to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Shrine in Baclaran every Saturday (We used to go there every Wednesday but I don’t feel well amidst the crowd so we decided to go there when it’s calmer). I would drop by the Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel at BDO Makati Avenue almost everyday since it was near our office. We also sought help from my OB-Gyne. I was very diligent in taking the prescriptions but still we encountered many failed attempts to conceive to the point that for every failure, I would cry out my frustrations to God and I would ask Him what do we need to do for Him to grant us our hearts’ desire. My husband consoled me each time I underwent such frustrations. He told me that I should not be impatient. We should wait for the right time when God will give us what we have always longed for. I realized my husband was right. God always knows when is the perfect time and we should patiently wait for it. I came to a point when I said “Lord, I’m still not giving up my dream to have a family…but Your will be done.”

It was in July 2016 when I’ve already felt some pregnancy symptoms but I shoved off the idea that I was pregnant because I didn’t want to expect too much. When I got a few days delayed in my period in August, I finally convinced myself to do a pregnancy test just for the sake of answering my own question “Am I pregnant?”. I bought 3 PT’s on my way home from work and when I arrived at our house, I immediately went to the comfort room to do the test. My heart was beating fast with excitement and fear (of failure). A few minutes passed and I didn’t even want to look at the result because it might be another false alarm. To get it over and done with, I prayed first to God to grant me the courage to accept whatever the result will be. When I finally got enough courage to look at the PT, I shouted in disbelief when I saw two vivid lines! I couldn’t control my joy and excitement! I rushed to my husband who was busy watching some videos on YouTube and broke the news to him: “Dear, I’m pregnant!” He gave me a startled look and said “Really? Did you take another test?” Hahaha! What a response! So I took another test and got the same result! And we were both so happy! I did another test in the morning with the same result and we were so excited to spread the great news to our families.

It wasn’t an easy journey for us to conceive but I think that the most important thing I learned was that we should always trust God and have faith in Him in ALL His ways. Though there were a lot of times when I wanted to give up, that faith kept me going and gave me hope that one day, God will answer our prayers.

Fast forward to today, I’m 27 weeks pregnant now and we’re ecstatic to meet our precious baby girl in 10-13 weeks! Thank you so much, Lord for manifesting your miracle in me. We knew that it was Your Holy Will which made this possible.

Part of the enthusiasm in meeting our first born, my husband and I have been discussing on names for her and I have always been vocal before when we were still planning to get pregnant that if it will be a girl, I want to name her Ryanne. It’s a combination of both our names: Ryan and Ann, then just add “e” to make it look better. I’m glad my husband liked it. For the second name, I wanted something that means gift from God or answered prayer. Thus, I came up with the following:

Ryanne Eliana (Eliana, means God has answered)
Ryanne Michaela (Michaela, means gift from God)

However, my husband wanted something related to his profession. He said he had always wanted the name Stella Maris because it means Our Lady, Star of the Sea, an ancient title for the Virgin Mary. Mama Mary is very close to my heart and it didn’t take long to convince me to have it as the second name of our daughter. So, it will be

Ryanne Stella Maris

We thought so, because when we wrote the name on paper, we thought that it was quite long. Our daughter might have a hard time on it when she would write her lengthy full name. I looked for other alternatives and while browsing on the Internet for names related to gift from God and answered prayer, I came upon the name Zyana, which means blessing from heaven. I easily liked the name and the sound of it so I suggested it to my husband. Fortunately, he liked it too and we both agreed to have it as the name of our first born daughter whose nickname will be Zya (zi-ya).

Mommy and Daddy look forward to see you soon baby Ryanne Zyana! We love you so much! Muah!

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