
Monday, January 2, 2017

Change Has Come!

I’ve been working in Metro Manila since I graduated from college. I’ve worked for several industries: call center, health care, and digital marketing for hotels, online classifieds, real estate, staffing and recruitment. It was when I met my husband Ryan in 2013 that I could say that I was on the right track of my career in digital marketing. I still wanted to do more and grow in this industry which I started to embrace since 2008. Since I aimed for growth in my career, I took up Masters in Marketing Communications at De La Salle University Manila to broaden my knowledge in marketing. I earned my masters degree last June 2014. However, in August 2016, a major decision had to be made.

I lived alone in Makati, Metro Manila. My family is in Cagayan de Oro. I enjoyed living alone because I had all the freedom that I needed. I appreciated the simple frills like no one would tell me what time to go home, or no one to ask permission to before going out with friends. Most especially, I learned how to be independent. Independence was pretty big deal for me.

However, there was an incident in 2014 when I was rushed to the ER because I collapsed in the office. It made my family decide that I should go back to my hometown in CDO because no one can really take care of me in times of emergency. We had several relatives in Metro Manila but I have never met them and thus, I was not close to them. I do have my friends who are ready to support me in times of need but I think my family simply wanted to be there for me when I needed them. Despite my family’s plea for me to go back to CDO, I didn’t heed their advice.

Fast track to 2015, Ryan and I got married. As work opportunities are plentiful in Metro Manila, we decided to continue staying in Makati. As a married couple, we had discussions on how we would handle certain situations. We’ve been looking into the possibility of going home to CDO. After considering some factors, we thought that it would be best for us to settle down there. I told him that the only reason that will make me go home is pregnancy because I knew that I would prioritize having a family over my career. Since I would be left alone in our rented home in Makati when he’s away for work, we both agreed that it would be best for me to go home to CDO to be with my family and be well taken cared of during this delicate situation.

After getting married, I got a new job as a Digital Marketing Manager for a real estate company. It was a fresh start for me and I felt that my career was starting to fly. I really had high hopes that I would achieve more in the digital marketing industry, only to find out that God had other plans for me one month after my first work anniversary. It was then that I knew that I was PREGNANT!

It was an unexpected blessing which my husband and I were very thankful for. We’ve been praying so hard for it and God had answered. This was indeed a big change that has come to our lives which we joyfully embraced. Thank you, Lord for giving us our little angel! 

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