
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Welcome To The World, Ryanne Zyana!

This is a very late post. I just felt sharing my birthing experience today.

      I had my routinary visit to my OB-Gyne last March 28, 2017. I was 38 weeks pregnant. When my OB-Gyne did an Internal Exam (IE), I was already 3cm dilated and fully effaced. It only meant my labor is just around the corner. I was given medication to help speed up my labor. I went home with a happy heart and quite excited to see my little one soon.

1:50AM, March 30. I woke up from pangs of pain in my womb. I went back to sleep with the thought that it will just go away. However, the pain became 10 minute intervals. It was then that I knew that labor has started. I was rushed to the hospital and when I got there, the pain became more excruciating as I was already in active labor with 2-minute pain intervals so I was brought to the labor room. I thought I was going to die with the unexplainable pain I was going through. I was not scheduled for Caesarian nor epidural because my birth plan was normal delivery but I was demanding for both of them when I thought I couldn’t handle the pain any longer.

I was 7cm dilated when I was brought to the delivery room. My OB-Gyne was adamant that a C-section was never an option because she believed that there was no reason for me to have one because labor is going well and my vital signs are fine. She agreed for me to have an epidural but unfortunately, around a dozen anaesthesiologists they contacted had declined for various reasons. My OB-Gyne decided to proceed with the birthing process when I got 9cm dilated and there was still no available anaesthesiologists.

It was a miracle that I did not have a hard time pushing out the baby. My OB-Gyne was full of praises to me that I was very good at it. After a few pushes, my precious bundle of joy came out with a very loud cry at 7:33AM on March 30, 2017! I was so happy to meet Ryanne Zyana for the first time.

We waited for my placenta to come out but 30 minutes had passed and it was still inside my uterus. My OB-Gyne performed a manual extraction of my placenta. I was under anaesthesia and was put to sleep during the procedure. I woke up very thirsty at the recovery room after an hour. I was happy to know that the surgery was successful even though I lost a lot of blood in the process as per my OB-Gyne.

From now on, March 30 will be a special day in my life. It will always remind me of God’s love for me and Ryanne Zyana. I will always be grateful to God for the courage and the strength He had given me during that difficult ordeal. Thank you, Lord!